Experience Holy Rosary!
Holy Rosary School celebrates, challenges, and empowers our students through an excellent education inspired by the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Catholic tradition.
Athletics & Activities
Holy Rosary School is a MSHSAA affiliate, therefore our middle school students are able to participate in the Clinton School District’s athletic program and clubs.
Community & Leadership
Holy Rosary Catholic School believes strongly in service to the community. Students participate in numerous service projects throughout the year
Our Mission
Holy Rosary is ROOTED IN FAITH and committed to serving God, children, families and communities by
Holy Rosary School celebrates, challenges, and empowers our students through an excellent education inspired by the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Catholic tradition.
Athletics & Activities
Holy Rosary School is a MSHSAA affiliate, therefore our middle school students are able to participate in the Clinton School District’s athletic program and clubs.
Community & Leadership
Holy Rosary Catholic School believes strongly in service to the community. Students participate in numerous service projects throughout the year
Our Mission
Holy Rosary is ROOTED IN FAITH and committed to serving God, children, families and communities by
Athletics & Activities
Community & Leadership
Our Mission
Commandment of the Month
“You shall not steal”
The featured Commandment of The Month for March is the 7th Commandment, “You shall not steal.”
This Commandments tells us something that everyone knows, “Don’t take what belongs to others.” However, not everyone takes into account the various forms of stealing, such as borrowing and not returning what was borrowed or wasting someone’s time by making them wait needlessly. We can steal someone’s idea, their relationships or their reputation through gossip.
By warning us to not steal, God is protecting something that is holy and sacred. Friendships. The consequences of stealing are literally endless. They begin with division, damaged relationships, sadness, and can result in poverty and loneliness.
On the flip-side, there is a very positive approach to this Commandment that is often overlooked. The 7th Commandment calls us to go beyond just “not stealing”. The 7th Commandment invites us to cultivate a heart of generosity. Through generosity we extend an invitation of friendship and through friendship we experience joy. Our generosity is not limited to gifts, food or money. Being generous with intangibles, such as a smile, a compliment or encouragement can bring unimaginable joy and friendship.
For additional insights on the treasures hidden in God’s AMAZING Commandments, explore the following resources.
- A short overview and video on the 7th
- A collection of fun activities for the families to learn the Ten Commandments on the Ten Commandments Family page.
- God’s Recipe for a Wonderful Life. A free, on-line study of the Commandments.
An easy way to remember the 7th Commandment: Hold up two fingers on one hand and five on the other, for a total of seven. Using the hand with five fingers, grab the two fingers on the other hand as though you are stealing them. As you do this, say, “You shall not steal.”
Family Activity: See page 30 of your God’s Recipe for a Wonderful Life book.

Visit Holy Rosary Catholic School Today
Holy Rosary Catholic School serves students pre-kindergarten through eighth grade. From its beginning in 1962, Holy Rosary has been, and continues to be a great choice for educating young minds and providing a solid foundation for high school and beyond.
Unique learning environments require students to be critical thinkers and problem solvers across all subject areas. Together students’ families and teachers work diligently to provide a rigorous learning environment where all students can and will learn.
The Kansas City-St. Joseph Diocese sets the curriculum standards followed by the school. With an emphasis on a strong curriculum, students commonly score one to two years above their grade level on standardized tests. Small class sizes allow teachers to accommodate the needs of the individual student and encourages interaction between families and staff members.
Holy Rosary Catholic School is an accredited school through Missouri Nonpublic School Accreditation Association (MNSAA), National Federation of Nonpublic School State Accrediting Association (NFNSSAA) and AdvancEd organization.
Core subject areas are complimented by classes in music, art, physical education, library, religion, technology and coding. Throughout religion studies, students are taught Bible history, Christian values and Catholic traditions. This being accompanied with attending student-led Mass weekly.
Throughout the school year, students participate in service projects which provide practical experience in learning to answer God’s call to serve. Many local organizations benefit from their service.
As a MSHAA affiliate, middle school students can participate in the Clinton School District’s athletic program. This program includes basketball, cross country, football, track and field, volleyball and wrestling.
Holy Rosary is more than the amazing education it offers, it’s an extension of family. Join our family today!