Service Projects
Holy Rosary Catholic School believes strongly in service to the community. Students participate in numerous service projects throughout the year including:
- Heifer Project International – students and parishioners have taken up collections during Lent since 1998. Money raised has purchased over 16 Arks of animals!
- Middle School students serve as ambassadors for our school – raising/lowering the flag, setting up for events, recess equipment, announcements, signs. They also set goals each year on how they will serve God, community, school, and self. These goals translate into the chosen service projects for the year which they divide these up throughout the year. The average is two service projects per quarter.
- Our Dear Lord Shut Ins – Is an example of one of the goals where Middle School students take up a collection of travel size toiletries and candy to fill cans they have decorated to take to inner-city nursing homes. Students deliver their gifts, sing Christmas carols and visit with residents in December each year.
- Door of Hope- Middle School students help set up and serve at this dinner event.
- School-wide food and supply drives- Middle School students lead the school-wide food drives to support our local food pantries. They also lead the food/supply drive for our local animal shelter.
- Angel Tree- each year our students and families adopt families from our community that need help at Christmas time to provide needed items as well as toys for the children.
- Project Christmas Cheer- our student body collects socks to donate to our community.
- eValentine cards for hospitalized children.
- Buddy programs called “Prayer Partners” and “Disciple Groups” – “Prayer Partners”- older students have buddies in the younger classrooms who they take to Mass during the week and help on projects in the classroom when needed. “Disciple Groups”- older students lead a multi-age group before school in prayer, fun and games!

Holy Rosary Catholic School has a long history of giving back to their communities and helping those less fortunate.
- Food drives for Clinton’s Food Pantry
- Sock collection for Project Christmas Cheer
- Food/supply drives for the Clinton Animal Shelter
- Collections for other service groups in our community
- Pop tabs for Ronald McDonald House
- Coin drives for organizations helping disaster victims
- eValentines for hospitalized children
- Delivering treats to our first responders